Our Lady Of The Rosary Hospital ARBOC Spirit Of Freedom Low-Floor Bus

  • Bus
  • Our Lady Of The Rosary Hospital
  • Castor, Alberta
  • ARBOC Specialty Vehicles
  • Spirit of Freedom
  • Steve Laskey
  • 1


Additonal Details:

Congratulations to Our Lady of the Rosary Hospital and its supporting fundraisers on the recent delivery of their new ARBOC Spirit of Freedom wheelchair-accessible bus, seating up to 5 wheelchairs and 14 seated passengers. This low-floor bus features a loading ramp to provide equal access for everyone, ensuring speed of operation, passenger dignity, and safety. It also offers the Inqline winch system that can pull/winch a wheelchair passenger into the bus up the ramp. It also features storage for Walkers and two low-profile storage racks located over each wheel.